Sunday, November 29, 2015

My New Blogging Goals!

Hey guys!
As you may know if you read my blogs over on Birds, I've been in a blogging slump, and I've been feeling pretty down too, which is why it's taken me a while to post anything properly on this blog and have been unintentionally neglecting it (oops).
I was also feeling pretty lost, as I felt like I didn't have a blogging niche, as such - I've always loved blogs which post a variety of topics, not just all one thing, and that's always been my aim with my blog (although I did quite like blogging about games so much in my 30 day blogging challenge, as it's something I'm passionate about) so I never wanted to stick with one main topic for my blog - I want to feel like I can blog about makeup one day, games another day, and post about meaningful issues occasionally too if I fancy it!
However, now I've decided that I need to get out of the negative mindset I've put myself into when it comes to blogging - I need to stop panicking that no one reads my posts, I need to stop being upset when no one comments on my posts, and I need to stop second guessing myself so much when it comes to writing posts - so often, I'll have an idea, then not write the post, or even just not post it if I feel like no one will read it or like it. I need to stop being so scared about what might happen negatively when I post, and focus instead on the positives. For example, I love writing, so when I feel like a post is well written, I'm happy to post it online! It also makes me happy when people comment on my posts, telling me how much they like my posts, or when people message me to let me know they read my posts and they're enjoying them. 

So, I've set myself a new set of blogging goals! 

1 - do not be afraid to post about whatever you want.
2 - it doesn't matter if you don't get comments
3 - hell, it doesn't even matter if no one reads it, as long as you're happy with what you post.
4 - post about things that make you happy, as well as more serious posts! Also, listen to feedback, it's important!
5 - don't force yourself to blog if you're not feeling motivated, or you have no ideas. It's better to wait until you're feeling inspired and you can write a good post, rather than post several mediocre posts that you're not proud of instead.
6 - maybe start taking pictures again to go with certain posts (I miss taking photos that aren't just for instagram/twitter)
7 - finally, JUST HAVE FUN! 

Hopefully, I'll be back blogging with a vengeance now that I'm beginning to rediscover my spark, and I hope you'll still be here for the ride!

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