Friday, January 01, 2016

2015 // My Roundup!

Hey guys!
So, it's officially the end of 2015, which means it's a shiny new year! Time for you to make resolutions (if that's what you do) and change anything that didn't make you happy last year! 

For me, 2015 was a pretty tough year.

First of all, I lost someone who was pretty important to me. My ex boyfriend, Dan, died last year, which affected me a lot more than I was expecting it to. We were together for nearly three years, but hadn't spoken much in the months before he died. I knew he was ill - he was when we were together - but I also wasn't really expecting what the doctor said to actually happen, you know?
So, a few months after that, while I was still really upset, our dog was suddenly taken ill, and after a long, heartbreaking night where we stayed up all night with him, we sadly had to make the horrible decision to put him to sleep.
Along with these deaths, I'd been dealing with my own stuff that I had going on - I'm not going to go into too much detail here - so, all in all, the year was pretty bad for me.

Of course, though, there were a few good things that happened too! 

In March, my favourite YouTubers announced that they'd written a book and were going to be doing a tour when it was released - so, me and my best friend Lisa were like "shall we get tickets?" so we got VIP. Yep, we managed to get a meet and greet with them too! (I actually wrote a blog post about the experience too, ahah) So, in November, about a week after my birthday, we went to see the show and meet them, which was amazing!
I also got to spend some time with some wonderful people this year, which was lovely, and I also managed to get back in touch with a few long lost friends. 

This year, however, I've decided to try something new. I always see people talking about getting a jar, then writing down one good thing that happens every day and putting it in the jar - then, when you open it at the end of the year, you can look back on your good things and smile. I've always liked the sound of it, but always forget about it - so, this year, I'll be trying to remember to do this, as a lot of the time I always focus on the bad instead of trying to look for the good! I'm hoping I remember to put something in every day, even if it's just something small like "The weather was good and it made me happy", "they got my name right at Starbucks" or "my eyeliner went on perfectly even for once"!

What does 2016 have in store for me? I have no idea! I have vague plans to go back to France and hopefully visit a few places in the UK to see friends, but other than that, I have no idea! That's the good thing about a few year - you never know what's going to happen!

                    What are some of your highlights of 2015, and what are you hoping 2016 will bring you?

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